physicians can be patriarchal misogynists. alright. yes, i know there are exceptions...but very few. you can count them on one hand and still have fingers leftover. why is that? where does this arrogant attitude medical school? or is it that they were born that way, and by coincidence, decided to go into the medical profession for the big bucks?
i am so overdone with the god complexes. i am so overdone with scaring women into unnecessary procedures because they will financially profit from it at her expense. i am so overdone with their lies.
i was violated by a doctor. that never goes away. and because he is a doctor, he got away with abusing his "power." something needs to be done about this patriarchal medical practice that we have here in the states. what happened to wellness, and wanting to heal and save lives?
it just angers me every time i hear a story of doctor abuse. so thus my rant here. my doctor-friend laughed when i said "doctors are assholes" to her...she knew exactly what i was talking about. they know what they are. educate yourself, and if it doesn't feel right, move on. there are many of them out there. it may take awhile but you can find one that does truly care about people, and will actually respect you. all i want is a doctor who SEES ME as a person, not as a case. it's medical madness.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
trick or treat

i remember the first year that i didn't wear a mask. i wanted to be a wahine. i wore a little hawaiian print dress, with a plastic lei around my neck, and a plastic flower behind my ear. i even had these outrageous plastic eyelashes...which meant i could not see very well as they were cumbersome, and i stumbled about that night from house to house. the thing that really sucked was that it was cold that year and my mother made me wear a coat so you couldn't see my costume.
when i got back home with my loot, my adult cousin (who was more of an older brother) would "inspect" my candy. of course, this meant him taking all the candy he liked for himself. he would say things like, "oh, this kind is NOT good," and then he would pocket it.
there is something about spreading the contents of that bag of candy all over the living room carpet and going though it. kinda like grabbing the loot that fell from a broken piƱata at a birthday party. this kind of acquisition of candy makes it much more valuable than buying it from the drug store.
when i was in my 20s, i still liked dressing up. okay, call it what it was...cosplay! my favorite character was some form of royalty...anything to wear a tiara. then ballerina. one year i was a baby wearing a giant diaper and bib...even had a giant pacifier and giant diaper pins. as the years went on, it was easier to just put on a little black dress and a witch's hat. i was too busy to make costumes for me since i was busy making costumes for my kids. no plastic faces and crappy hot synthetic outfits for my kids...i was the overachiever mom. so we had peter pan, captain hook, the flinstones, luke skywalker, ghostbusters, ghosts, robin hood, cowboys, pee wee herman, superman, and pinocchio, to name a few...but my very best favorite...roger rabbit.
i know that there are people who don't let their kids participate in halloween because they are against it for religious reasons. but personally, i think running up and down the street, giggling and laughing your head off while in dress up clothes, and getting all the free candy you can in a single night, is a pretty fun thing for kids to do. one of those things that they will remember when they are older and feeling nostalgic...or had just come across a random photo of a halloween past. to me, it's just like christmas...santa has nothing to do with bebe's just about letting your imagination live freely.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
2 busy 2 blog
okay. so i have been uber busy lately with midterms, projects, and throwing an event...also known as too busy to blog! happy that the event is over, i was exhausted but before i could catch my breath i then remembered that i was having a house guest! he isn't any trouble at all but still that means planning stuff to do...and then doing it! we did have a couple of lazy moments in between. we're not crazy. it was great having him here is like that when you are with someone you have known since first grade...really great.
but i had previous plans to go the cinema with like 20 women from a girlfriends meetup group, and i didn't want to leave him alone. contacted the organizer to bail but she said to have him come with. now at first i thought, poor guy...all of these women! clearly, that was my woman brain talking because his man brain responded with, "awesome!" LOL
anyway, it was a good time, and he had quite the advantage. we went to see "couples retreat" at the alameda theater which i had never been to. one of those gorgeous old theaters that someone was smart enough to save and restore it's architectural integrity. and what was really cool was discovering the little wine shop right next can drink wine and eat cheeses before or after the movie or both! v. cool. we had a pinot noir that melted in your mouth like was warm and yummy, and labeled hitching post. i highly recommend it, now seriously thinking i need to go back and pick up a bottle. or two. cin cin!
despite that wild and crazy rain storm we had on tuesday, there has been sun all week...and today was no exception...a picture perfect october summer day. we rolled over the bridge to marin county and hit the coast...most excellent day for being on the beach. the sand was warm on my feet. the sky clear. the waves stellar. i counted 25 surfers. it was excellent. would have liked to have stayed out there all day but we had another scheduled meet up over in emeryville. meeting up with friends is always a good thing.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
duties of a debutante
i have been pulling myself into multiple directions as of late. and was really looking forward to a bonfire on the beach tonight but the winds changed our plans for us. i am so tired - like dogass find me a spot in the sun to lie in tired - that i can't think, never know what i want to eat, and certainly can't sleep. it is midterms already and i am losing track of time. my plate is full and i just added on another two courses to the meal...yikes! what am i thinking when i continue to take on these projects?
so now i am planning an is a black and white ball. still working on venues, menus, music, decorations, and all the details...but most definitely have this dress in mind. after all, is it not all about the dress? when it comes to formal events that provide me an opportunity to add to my collection of organza, silk, tulle, brocade, and lace floor length costumes, i am as excited as a regency character in a jane austen novel with a dance card. "why of course, mister bingley, you must throw a ball!" because janeites know that dancing is recommended to encourage affection.
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I'm about to ruffle some feathers and it's about time. An Anglo told me that they did not want to offend me but they were confused...

so i came across this photo taken when i was like six years old on halloween. when i was a kid, they had those plastic masks with the elas...
i often wonder why we were taught things in school that just weren't true. like the first thanksgiving. we do not have thanksgiving d...